The Precious Stone Collection 

Balance and realign the crown chakra with this pink string and metal charm bracelet. Presented on a matching backing card that reads, 'Universe, divinity, consciousness, source, presence & energy'.

Balance and realign the heart chakra with this green string and metal charm bracelet. Presented on a matching backing card that reads, 'Love, compassion, empathy, foregiveness, change

Balance and realign the root chakra with this red string and metal charm bracelet. 

Balance and realign the sacral chakra with this orange string and metal charm bracelet. Presented on a matching backing card that reads, 'Creativity, sexuality, feelings, emotions, pleasure'

Balance and realign the third eye chakra with this purple string and metal charm bracelet. Presented on a matching backing card that reads, 'Intuition, psychic abilities, foresight, perception, vision'.

Balance and realign the throat chakra with this blue string and metal charm bracelet. Presented on a matching backing card that reads, 'Communication, expression, clarity, truth, purpose'.

The Chakra Fix


The Chakra Fix


Awaken your healing power with The Chakra Fix, a contemporary guide to finding your flow, unlocking positive energy and living a high-vibe life.

The chakras are connecting, radiating cores that map out the energy within us, and our potential. Focusing on the seven major chakras, this book shows you how to locate, nurture and activate these untapped sources for optimal wellbeing in your daily life. Find out what each chakra represents, how these connect with the emotional, physical and spiritual self - and follow simple but effective exercises to transform the health of each.

Designed to answer everyday anxieties and concerns, author Juliette Thornbury offers cleansing meditations, healing rituals and nourishing practices to aid each chakra and enhance your self-care. Start by tuning into the chakras to ascertain how you feel, then discover the cause and find your fix for any number of problems, from combating fatigue and alleviating stress to sparking creativity and finding self-compassion.

  • MASTER THE ESSENTIALS: study the significance of the chakras and demystify associated symbols, crystals, plants, essential oils and colours;
  • SPARK ENERGY AND INSPIRATION: reignite your creativity with an empowering meditation;
  • FIND PROTECTION AND COMFORT: try a root chakra crystal grid to help you feel safe and secure;
  • BOOST JOY AND SUCCESS: develop the self-confidence and willpower to achieve your goals with an abundance ritual;
  • EXPLORE LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: find compassion for yourself with a chest-opening yoga pose;
  • IMPROVE COMMUNICATION: try a throat chakra herbal tea to master truthful communication and self-expression;
  • DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE AND INSIGHT: use an essential oil blend to enhance your psychic ability and encourage vivid dreams;
  • SEEK GUIDANCE AND CONNECTION: try a crown chakra balancing bath when you are going through a major life shift.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced energy healer, The Chakra Fix offers you a renewed sense of self and harmonious energy to heal and flourish.

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the third eye Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of intuition, perception and imagination

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the sacral Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of sexuallity, physical grace and pleasure

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the heart Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of love, compassion and atruism 

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the Crown Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of intelligence and awareness

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the root Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of stabililty, grounding and prosperity

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the Throat Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of communication and creativity.

This colourful Chakra meditation stone is engraved with the Solar Plexus Chakra symbol to enhance a sense of virality, direction and self-seteem